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Sunday, November 24, 2013

reading test

OMG!!!My reading test turned out pretty good. RM8 concentrated and hope their results turn out good.I concentrated and got 27-33 it"s alright. Good luck to all rm8 students hope you all get good grades.
Norah Maifala.

Mondays work

The setting took place at a park and there is a man that is a business worker and he is trying to finish his work. There is a bird sitting on top of a chair.what might happen?What might happen is that the bird might poop on his laptop and this man's work might be a good copy and then this business worker might be gloomy because his career might end right here:):):)

love Avei kome


Pigeon: Impossible wordless film. Great for inferring right  from the get go... Infer the setting,the profession of the man,what might happen, character based on actions and expressions...

My Answer:
The man has no words to say but to look surprised and worried to see a film being video taped.
 He might be a spy person or he must be on a mission to catch a thief. Then now he is going 
to go search for it to infer his profession. He is gonna express his feelings by getting on
action to see whats  gonna happen.


This man was on his laptop doing his work, 
and a bird was standing near him, and he was a lawyer,
and he got disturbed by the bird. He was a hard worker, 
he was waiting for his cup of coffee outside. He was sitting 
outside on the bench. He was worried that he might not finish his work. He was so distracted by the bird and he couldn't complete his work. He was on the streets cause it was peace and quiet so he can concentrate on his work, but the birds were really noisy. That he was worried the bird might poop on him, and his tux might smell like bird poop.



This man was on his laptop doing his work, 
and a bird was standing near him, and he was a lawyer,
and he got disturbed by the bird. He was a hard worker, 
he was waiting for his cup of coffee outside. He was sitting 
outside on the bench. He was worried that he might not finish his work. He was so distracted by the bird and he couldn't complete his work. He was on the streets cause it was peace and quiet so he can concentrate on his work, but the birds were really noisy. That he was worried the bird might poop on him, and his tux might smell like bird poop.



This man was on his laptop doing his work, 
and a bird was standing near him, and he was a lawyer,
and he got disturbed by the bird. He was a hard worker, 
he was waiting for his cup of coffee outside. He was sitting 
outside on the bench. He was worried that he might not finish his work. He was so distracted by the bird and he couldn't complete his work. He was on the streets cause it was peace and quiet so he can concentrate on his work, but the birds were really noisy. That he was worried the bird might poop on him, and his tux might smell like bird poop.

pigeon impossible

this activity is so amazing and its a nice about the activity i think he is an lawyer or an investigator.he is outside at the park and maybe he is opening his laptop or brief case and their is a pigeon maybe its a robot pigeon maybe it wants to copy the things that on the man files so he would show it to someone.his feelings maybe she or he can't wait to open his laptop or his brief case like there is no tomorrow why his face was like that. I think that the pigeon will poop on the man